Thursday 4 May 2017

2A.D2 evaluation

To prove commitment to the my role within rehearsals, the skill that I most used, was my willingness to give up my own time. Any extra-scheduled rehearsals I would turn up and give the best of my ability. However the most active skill I used within rehearsals to show a high level of commitment would be doing certain physical exercises that I devised for myself to get in to the role of my character best. For example what I would do first would be to examine my research towards people who do have dissociative disorders (particularly in my case for split personality and bipolar disorder). Then next step after that would be to work on my own my own physicality and slowly shape myself into an amalgamation of the features that I had researched, this was important to me because then the character that I had created could essentially become a more exaggerated interpretation of these disorders. I believed this to be important within the context of rehearsal to get this right as I did not want to get to the point of making fun out of these conditions, but only subtly infer them in a strange, crazy, hyped up character.

I believe that I have been a confident and effective member of the ensemble by adapting to change primarily. the first example of this was me putting forward ideas as much as possible of what we could do with the scenes that I had been a part of. Although many ideas were not used I believe that it showed my willingness to put forward thoughts that could help develop my scene and prove me to be an active learner and performer in the context of education and acting. I also believe that I was an effective member of the ensemble by adapting to a change of casting quite rapidly, whilst helping the new actor playing the guard. This was important not only within the context of the both of us as active performers but also within the context of the whole of the show. This is due to the scene being very long and if the guards did not work well together and have the right chemistry as we did then the play would end up slogging through the second scene adding a lot of dead time to the show.

Finally in the context of my preparation for the role, as I said before, I did a variety of physical exercises based upon my research into how people act who may have a split personality or bipolar disorder. The reason for researching these two things is to display the highs and lows of when the guards get upset or otherwise, and also between the interactions of both guards, as they communicate in a contradictory and scattered way. Similar to the relationship that someone with spd would end up facing with the interactions between their own personalities. To show this I would go through a routine to start a nervous twitch in the corner of my mouth, to do this I would have to make a croaking from the back of my mouth and then start to move my mouth in and out of a smile until only the corner of my mouth would be moving. When this was done it could be kept up consistently for about three minutes. The next point of this was to display how I could create a nervous demeanour, which I did using a 1 to 10 exercise of physicality. I would do little ticks and jerking motions until I reached emotion state 10 where the motions would become forced and exhausting, I went back down the scale and then picked the physicality most natural yet exaggerated.

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